6 Simple Habits to Keep Your Home Clean and Healthy

Cleanliness is the key to a healthy and happy life. A clean home is a source of mental comfort for its residents and a rough and dirty home always produces negative vibes in their surrounding.Keeping your home clean can be an hectic task.especially with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But incorporating a few simple habits into your daily routine can make maintaining a tidy space much more manageable. Here are six easy habits that can help keep your home cleaner and more organized.

6 Simple Habits to Keep Your Home Clean and Neat

1. Keep Shoes at the Door

Leaving shoes at the door is one of the quickest, easiest ways to reduce dirt in your home. Take your shoes off at the door: By leaving footwear out of this entrance, you reduce outdoor flora and fauna from trekking all over where you live. Try to set up a shoe rack or basket at your main door so this ritual is easy for all.

2. Put Things Away as You Use Them

Proper storage is a needed and essential thing. Items tend to pile up when they are not quickly stored away. You have to be well-organized and well-disciplined. Make it a routine to put things back where they belong as soon as you are done with them. If it is a book, remote control or kitchen objects that will take less than 5 seconds to put them away. These are the small tasks that matter. Your future self and any cleaning lady you may have hired will thank you later.

3. Make the Bed Every Morning

An author William H. Mc Raven wrote a selling book as “Make your Bed”. He wrote a very famous quote “1. “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”  This quote shows the power of this tiny and atomic habit. It only takes a couple of minutes each morning, but it sets a positive tone for the day and makes your room feel tidier. Plus, sliding into a neatly made bed at night can be more relaxing and restful

4. Wipe Down Surfaces Regularly

Dust and spills can accumulate quickly on surfaces like kitchen counters, bathroom sinks, and coffee tables. Make it a habit to wipe down these surfaces regularly, ideally once a day. Keeping cleaning wipes or a microfiber cloth within easy reach can make this task quick and effortless.  Avoid using harsh chemicals, as these can do more harm than good. Instead, opt for natural cleaners like vinegar or baking soda. Regular cleaning can help to keep your home healthy and free from germs.

5. Wash the Dishes Every Night

Making a habit of washing dishes every night is also one of these effective 6 habits. Pests and offensive smells might result from leaving dirty dishes in the sink. Wash the dishes at night and store them in the cupboards in the morning. This habit ensures that you start each day with a clean kitchen, making meal prep and cooking more enjoyable.

6. Do a Quick Evening Tidy-Up

Spend just 10-15 minutes each evening doing a quick tidy-up. This can include tasks like picking up toys, folding blankets, or straightening up cushions. A short nightly cleaning routine can prevent clutter from building up and make your home feel more organised and welcoming.

Now let’s talk about another powerful habit. Every night, you have to spend ten to fifteen minutes quickly tidy up. This can involve doing things like putting toys away, folding blankets, or arranging cushions. You may avoid clutter accumulation and create a more organised space and inviting atmosphere in your house by implementing a quick cleaning regimen every night.

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With just a little daily effort, you can maintain a cleaner and more organised house by adopting the above mentioned 6 tiny and easy habits. Always remember that consistency is the key to success. Even little things done on a regular basis may make a big difference in how clean and comfortable your living area is overall. With consistency, there occurs a compounding effect. When you make these tiny habits part of your life.


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