
Government Pakistan is Going to Launch Pakistan Honor Card Scheme for Top Taxpayers

The government of Pakistan is going to launch a new and innovative scheme called the Pakistan Honor Card Scheme. It is about giving special recognition to the top taxpayers and exporters for their big contributions to the nation’s economy . This initiative is being led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who wants to appreciate these people by giving them some special benefits and previliges.

Basically, a group of around 65 really good exporters and people who pay their taxes properly will get these special cards. The Prime Minister himself recently honored them. If you have this card, you will expereince multiple perks and advantages including streamlined immigration clearance, access to official passports and associated amenities, and exclusive entry to VIP lounges at airports.

Furthermore, the good news is that even new taxpayers who have been good with their taxes (the top two contributors) and small businesses that have been exceptional with their tax payments (the top three) will be included in this scheme.

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