
Pakistan Initiated Fruit Export to Russia via Land Route

Islamabad News: Pakistan Begins Fruit Transport to Russia!

Pakistan has started exporting fruits to Russia using a land route that stretches around 6,000 kilometers. Recently, 16 (sixteen) trucks operated by Pakistan’s National Logistics Corporation (NLC) carried oranges to the Russian cities of Derbent and Grozny over the weekend.

Hence, Pakistan hits a major milestone in trade. 

The efforts of Pakistan’s National Logistics Corporation (NLC) were highly appreciated. Russia praised their hard work in boosting trade between our two countries. It’s a big achievement for Pakistan’s economy, especially during these tough times.

But this isn’t the only move Pakistan is making. With our economy facing challenges, we’re actively seeking to expand trade partnerships with many nations. We’re also eager to attract investment, especially from places like the Middle East, to help stabilize our reserves and currency.

And it’s not just fruits! Before this, the NLC lent a helping hand in exporting bananas, meat, and seafood to countries in Central Asia and China.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s leap into fruit exports to Russia is a promising step forward for our economy. With continued efforts and strategic partnerships, we can overcome economic challenges and build a brighter future for our nation.

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